Data analysis

US FeSi Imports Down in Feb

US FeSi Imports Down in Feb

Thursday, April 21, 2011

China Feb FeSi Exports Down 12.5% on Month

China Feb FeSi Exports Down 12.5% on Month

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ukraine Issues Jan-Sep Ferroalloy Import and Export Data

Ukraine Issues Jan-Sep Ferroalloy Import and Export Data

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jien Nickel’s 5,000 Tons Electrolytic Nickel Project Starts to Get Trial Production

Jien Nickel’s president said on June 9th that the company’s 5,000 tons electrolytic nickel project started to get trial production. The secretary to the president said that the company

Friday, June 11, 2010

Eramet to Lift 2010 Nickel Output at Doniambo 7.5%

June 9 -- Eramet SA, operator of the world’s largest ferronickel plant, plans to raise nickel output at its Doniambo smelter by 7.5 percent this year.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Colombia's Cerro Matoso sees fall in nickel output in Q1

Nickel production at BHP Billiton's Cerro Matoso mine in Colombia fell 11.5% in the first quarter due to lower ore extraction and the repair of a transport system, the company said.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chinese ferrotungsten exports drop in Jan

In January, 2010, China’s FeW exports of 224 mt were less than half exports of 463 mt in January 2009. Exports were: 119 mt (263 mt in January 2009) to Rotterdam and 105 mt (200 mt) to Japan. China’s APT exports, however, more than doubled to 276 mt in Janua...

Monday, March 8, 2010
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